I-TOUCH® offers the convenience of an extensive feature set that is simple to use, taking care of most of the processes in the home that you would normally perform manually throughout the day. Program lights to come on when required or switch off when not. Turn all the lights off with the touch of a button when you leave home or turn in for the night. Create different scenes for effects. It's clever, intuitive and reliable.
Are you interested in home automation, but think it’s too complex and too expensive to implement in your home? Think again. Sure, the idea may sound overwhelming, out of reach perhaps, but in the past decade, the concept of automation has become increasingly more attainable and realistic for home-owners. We attribute this growth to the widespread interest and acceptance of portable Wi-Fi devices, like smartphones and ablets. The more people make these devices part of their everyday lives, it’s a natural progression they’ll see the benefit in connected home automation technologies as well.
i-Touch wanted to build an interactive and engaging website, so they approached Top4 Marketing. They wanted to convey their brand identity through interactive videos on the website, which hopefully can increase engagements on the website and eventually lead to more conversions. However, the website has to be more than gorgeous and appealing; after all, using videos means it could possibly affect the speed and user experience.
We provided a number of concepts to the client before we proceed and decided on the final website design and interface that was much approved and appreciated by the client. The videos ran smoothly and successfully established i-Touch's brand identity, setting it apart from the competition and creates a professional first impression with potential clients. After the website went live, feedback indicates that their customers are spending more time on the website. Despite the number of videos used on the website, it has a smooth interface and great user experience, which ultimately leads to more conversions.
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