Pace Migration & Education Consultancy
Pace Migration & Education Consultancy, the established Registered Migration Agency as well as a Student Agency. Your migration and education agents expert.
Pace Migration & Education Consultancy are Registered Migration Agents (MARN 0745684), under Australian Government legislation. The student agency established in 2006 operated as Pace Education Consultancy and complemented by adding migration services in 2007 and renamed as Pace Migration & Education Consultancy now operating under PACE SUCCESS PTY LTD.
As an education agent, we offer the best options for you and your future in Australia or the home country. Even if you wish to develop your professional career in Australia or afterward overseas.
Meanwhile, we explain to you the different migration pathways s a migration agent. We give a detailed explanation of each of the migration options. We teach our clients and make sure they understand all the options.
Our Services are:
Education Service
• Academic and career advisement towards skilled migration
• Enrolment into Schools, Colleges, and Universities
• Issuing Offer Letter and COE
• Technical advisement for a better English exam score (IELTS, PTE)
• Assistance with student visa processing and tips for success
• Accommodation and job placement services provided if necessary
• Student visa subclass 500
Migration Service
• Obligation-free first initial consultation through phone/email
• Preliminary evaluation of educational qualification and work experiences
• Honest advice on the chance of visa application success.
• Suggestion on other available visa options to clients
• Qualifications and experiences Assessment through appropriate - Assessment Authority
• Complete assistance and advice is provided towards a positive outcome of visa subclass 457, 186, 187, 189, 190, 489, 887 and off course 820/801; 309/100
Since we are Migration as well as Education experts, we look into each client profile carefully. If your goal is Permanent Residency, we guide you until you reach your desired goal.
Migrate to Australia? Study in Australia? We are your Migration and Education Agents Expert! Contact us now!
Pace Migration & Education Consultancy has achieved its desire which is to provide professional counseling and information to international students, by providing suitable study plans and appropriate guidelines from the commencement of their study till getting a Permanent Residency or reaching career goals in Australia. They want to build strong and trustworthy relationships with their clients. The consultancies must grow in sync with the regions' challenges. They want to improve traffic for the business, focus on promoting their services, and how to capture leads that have the financial means to study internationally in Australia.
With advantage of our location-based marketing tool, we kept working on increasing the SEO. our main objective is to increase more website traffic, SEO audits and creating more backlinks for website and content marketing. We did the keyword and competitor research and a new social media campaign.
Increase organic search acquisition
Increase new visitor
Post engagements on social media
Increase organic visibility
Kami adalah tim digital marketing berpengalaman yang siap membantu mencapai tujuan bisnismu. Dengan keahlian dalam SEO, media sosial, konten kreatif, dan strategi pemasaran digital lainnya, kami berkomitmen untuk memberikan hasil terbaik bagi klien kami di Surabaya, Jakarta, Bali dan kota-kota lain di Indonesia.
Dapatkan solusi pemasaran digital yang inovatif dan efektif dengan tim kami yang berdedikasi dan penuh semangat!
Di Top4 Technology + Marketing, kami terus meningkatkan keterampilan kami untuk memastikan kami memberikan strategi marketing terbaik yang memberikan hasil nyata untuk bisnis Anda.
Dari SEO dan marketing konten hingga media sosial dan iklan berbayar, tim kami siap membantu Anda!
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