Sydney Breast Associates
Sydney Surgical Associates are highly experienced and specialize in a range of operative procedures at multiple locations across Sydney. Our surgeons undertake the following procedures with due consideration of each individual patient and their needs.
Sydney surgeon and educator, Dr. Ruben Cohen-Hallaleh specializes in breast, endocrine, and general surgery. He brings together the latest in surgical techniques and non-invasive treatments with careful consideration for each patient and their unique circumstance. With a special interest in oncoplastic breast surgery, Dr. Cohen-Hallaleh maintains an aesthetic approach to both benign and cancerous breast conditions, applying the latest reconstructive techniques to preserve natural form and shape during the one procedure
Finding the right breast surgeon is imperative to a successful outcome where your aesthetic goals are achieved in the safest and most appropriate manner. Communication is critical and it is important to form a good doctor-patient relationship prior to surgery (especially when breast cancer patients are followed up for many years after diagnosis).
Sydney surgeon and educator, Dr. Ruben Cohen-Hallaleh wanted to increase brand awareness and website visits for Sydney Breast Associates. Additionally, he also would like to improve the business' local and digital marketing strategies, as well as have Top4 Marketing manage their social media platforms.
Top4 Marketing Platform helps to boost Sydney Breast Associates' credibility, maximize the business profits, and make the client's business to be found more easily by potential customers. Additionally, we also manage their website and social media presence to be on-brand and engaging for potential customers. As a result, the Sydney Breast Associates website received 600% more visits in a month!
Total impressions in search result
Total visits on Top4 platform
Total clicks in search results
Average position in search results
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